"Me, Myself & Irene," this season's most-hyped comedy, would seem to have a lot going for it: The Farrelly Brothers are following up on the mega-success of "There's Something About Mary," while Jim Carrey is returning to his crowd-pleasing antics after proving his range in "Man on the Moon" and "The Truman Show."

But before you find yourself in a theater seat bleeding from both ears as your brain hemorrhages from the sheer idiocy on display here, take a moment to think back, way back, to 1994 and the first collaboration between Carrey and the Farrelly Bros. "Dumb and Dumber," while it certainly lived up to its title, was arguably the most annoyingly moronic movie of a dumbed-down decade (and one of a select few films that this critic can recall actually walking out on.)

Alas, as evidenced by their new film, this particular combination of filmmakers and star seems to bring out the worst in both parties. Call it a meeting of mindlessness, or a super-synergy of scatological stoopidity. Or just call it plain old bad.