Giorgio de Chirico (1888-1978) is the great painter of the enigma in our era and his work is now on exhibit at Tokyo's Bunkamura in one of the most comprehensive shows seen yet in Japan.

The work of this great artist is one of the most difficult to stage an exhibition of because much of his output is in private collections scattered throughout the world. Bunkamura has done an extraordinary job of gathering together such a rich range of work.

The show, titled "Giorgio de Chirico: A Metaphysical Life," is divided into the artist's major periods, following through in chronological order. Thus we have the 1910-1918 period titled "Metaphysics"; the '20s -- "Surrealist Paris"; the '30s -- "From Europe to the United States"; the '40s and '50s -- "The Romantic and Baroque Painter"; the '60s and '70s -- "Neo-Metaphysics." Also included are lithographs, works on paper and sketches for theater scenes and costumes.