Amid the sensationalism of much contemporary art, it is refreshing to sense honest artistry in metal, clay and wood. "Thoughts on Contemporary Vessels" at the Crafts Gallery of the National Museum of Modern Art is an exhibition centered on the humble cup, bowl or jar. And it reveals crafts that are as beautiful, fresh and challenging as they can be.

Instinctively, it is easy to enjoy the work of makers who clearly delight in their chosen materials. Intellectually, the combination of artistry and utility triggers a timely debate about the direction of contemporary crafts.

It is no coincidence that the exhibition opened as the popular Japan Traditional Art Crafts exhibition started its annual tour of the country. Tens of thousands of visitors will admire the crafts displayed at the latter, an event which has done much to encourage interest in crafts. Yet there is a downside to our museum mentality, and that is the trend of many craftspeople to design for display, rather than use.