In the nether regions near the waterfront wherein lie most of the nation's major cosmopolitan areas, Japan's tropical sun and heavy humidity militate against the kind of lighthearted family outdoor concerts which find so much favor in Europe and America. Nevertheless, summer is here again, and here again too are the special delights of the summer season.

Summer is a time for youth. It's a time we all remember with nostalgia. Scholastic rigors in most countries are relieved with vacations and enriched with special courses, festivals and opportunities for travel.

We probably don't consider just how valuable such experiences are for the young talents taking part until we come face to face with the astonishing reality of a great orchestra where there isn't a single player older than, say, 25. For such illustrious ensembles as the Jeunesses Musicals World Orchestra and the Mahler Youth Orchestra in Europe, or the Aspen Music Festival and the Tanglewood Music Festival in America, I use the word "great" advisedly.