There's a little man inside my oven. I call him Guido. He lives in the LCD display on my new Sharp convection oven. Guido can do all sorts of things, such as juggle apples, chop giant radishes and do aerobics. Guido has become my kitchen aerobics partner.

Want to try kitchen aerobics with Guido? First, put on a cooking apron and chef's hat. For the warm-up exercise, set the oven to preheat.

For this preheat exercise, you will take off your chef's hat with your left hand then extend your left arm up into the air. Then bring your hand back to your head and put the hat back on. Repeat over and over until you've got it down. Next, kick out your right foot each time you take off your hat, just like Guido does on the display. Do "The Chef" until the oven is done preheating.