Let's talk about religion. Soccer, that is. Many Americans don't like soccer because they say there's not enough action. Americans like fast action sports like American football, rugby and ice hockey. Not me. I like soccer because it's slow. I can get up, go to the bathroom, refill my beer and popcorn, and when I come back 15 minutes later I know I will not have missed anything.

Another thing I like about soccer is the team scarves. I like a sport that includes an element of fashion. The scarf is important not only because you can wave it in the air when your team makes a goal, but it also keeps you warm during those chilly games in Europe.

Soccer stadiums have their own weather patterns. A nice sunny day in your neighborhood is bound to be a cloudy, cold and snowy day at the stadium. Stadium weather generally drops by 10 to 20 degrees as soon as the game starts and the wind picks up at halftime. By the end of the game it's snowing, your feet are numb and your nose is frozen. But your team is winning -- it's a different kind of warmth.