The Japan Times' publishing tie-up with the International New York Times last year presented us with something of an opportunity. Sensing an interest among our readers in a smaller-formatted, more visually engaging newspaper to enjoy over a relaxing Sunday brunch, we put a team together to examine the ways in which we might better serve our readers on weekends. The result is a completely redesigned compact format. And so, a year on from the launch of The Japan Times On Sunday, it seems pertinent to look back at some of the more noteworthy events we have experienced over the past 12 months.

One thing's for sure: It's certainly been a wild ride. In February, we were fortunate enough to celebrate alongside Yuzuru Hanyu as he snared the gold medal in figure skating at the Olympic Games in Sochi, Russia, becoming the first Japanese man to capture Olympic's top prize. We've encountered our fair share of sadness throughout the year as well. In December, we produced a special tribute edition to South Africa's first black president, Nelson Mandela, who passed away at the age of 95. And just last month, dozens were killed by a volcanic eruption on Mount Ontake, which straddles the Nagano-Gifu prefectural border. Our thoughts and prayers go out to anyone affected by the tragedy.

Meanwhile, the staff writers and freelance journalists who contribute to our features section continue to produce a wide range of stimulating, well-balanced content inside the paper, with Masami Ito's two-part series on addiction in August worth special mention.

In moving to a compact format, it was always going to be important to put much greater emphasis on design, and Art Director Andrew Lee should be commended for devoting many, many hours each week coming up with the spreads you see featured in our Timeout section. From turning Tokyo upside-down to constructing a Shinzo Abe-driven robot out of weapons that are manufactured domestically, our new approach to design even helped us pick up a Redesign award in the 35th Society for News Design Annual Creative Competition.

And then, of course, there are the countless faces who work behind the scenes putting The Japan Times On Sunday together each week. I, for one, would like to acknowledge and applaud their effort.

It almost goes without saying that none of this would have been possible without the support of you, dear readers. We have been truly humbled by all the feedback — positive or otherwise — we've received over the past year and look forward to the discourse we hope to be involved in over the next 12 months.

Most of all, however, we hope you will continue to enjoy your weekends with us, On Sunday.

Elliott Samuels


The Japan Times On Sunday



日曜版の大きな特徴は、タブロイド版でコンパクトサイズのためにレイアウトに変化をつけたことです。その結果、今年早々第35回 米ベストニュースデザインコンペティションのリデザイン部門で、「アワード・オブ・エクセレンス(優秀賞)」を受賞することが出来ました。日本からは唯一の入賞です。また、日曜版ということで、特に読み物的な記事を充実させてまいりました。 Timeout のセクションでは、斬新なデザインと切り口で毎週弊紙のスタッフや寄稿者によるオリジナルの記事を掲載しています。もちろんニュースセクションも、月〜土曜までの日刊紙と同様、重要なニュースは大きく取り上けてきました。この一年、実に様々なニュースが飛び込んできましたが、特に2月のソチオリンピックでフィギュアスケート男子シングルの羽生結弦選手が、 日本初となる金メダルを獲得したニュースには日本中が沸き立ちました。また昨年12月、南アフリカで同国初の黒人大統領となったノーベル平和賞受賞者、ネルソン・マンデラ氏が95歳で亡くなった際には、特別追悼特集を掲載しました。最近では、御嶽山噴火で大勢の登山者に犠牲が出たニュースには衝撃が走りました。今だに行方不明者の捜索が続いていますが、亡くなられた方にはご冥福をお祈りすると共に、ご家族の方には心からお悔やみを申し上げます。


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