Oct. 24-Nov. 29

The Watari-Um (Watari Museum of Contemporary Art) first held an exhibition of the French artist and photographer known as "JR" in 2013. For that show the museum's exterior was covered with his giant monochrome photographs. This current exhibition displays three new video works: "The Ghosts of Ellis Island," "Les Bosquets" and "Rivages." Featuring Robert De Niro, "The Ghosts of Ellis Island" shows the artist's political perspective, with footage shot on the New York island that was once the gateway for immigrants into the United States. De Niro acts as a ghost who was never allowed in, while the walls and floors of a ruined hospital on the island are filled with pictures of former patients and employees.

The Watari Museum of Contemporary Art; 3-7-6 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo. Gaienmae Stn. 11 a.m.-7 p.m. (Wed. till 9 p.m.). ¥1,000. Closed Mon. 03-3402-3001; www.watarium.co.jp.