Regarding Thomas Clark's Feb. 26 letter, "Twisting the meaning of marriage": Since when has the ability to procreate been the criteria for marriage? I'm quite sure that the heterosexual couples who are childless by choice or who have problems with fertility would be surprised to find that their marriages aren't considered legitimate.

There is really no logical position from which to deny gay, lesbian, bisexual and transsexual (GLBT) people the right to marry the person of their choice. I also have to question why people like Clark are even given a public forum. It seems that the GLBT community is the only group left about which people are allowed to speak in an openly prejudiced manner without repercussions.

Clark may not approve personally of GLBT people having the same right to marriage that other citizens have, but the issue is not, and shouldn't be considered any of his business. He and people like him need to realize that no matter how much they personally dislike the idea of gay marriage, they don't have the right to judge who deserves civil rights or to dictate their personal beliefs to others through legislation.

Be careful, Mr. Clark, it won't be long before people like you will be shunned and your prejudicial views condemned for the bigotry they are. We ARE winning.

The opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are the writer's own and do not necessarily reflect the policies of The Japan Times.

heidi wiltamuth