"Where there's smoke there's fire" and where there's Shinzo Abe there seems to be scandal after scandal, all of which are conveniently swept away under the tatami of lies and deflections that his party seems so skillful at constructing to make his crimes and collusion disappear.

Does anyone even remember Moritomo Gakuen? Why should they when it's already been disappeared? Prime Minister Abe's modus operandi has become a synonym for nepotism and cover-up. The truth never even has a chance of surfacing when his government controls it so callously for their own personal purposes.

The essence of democracy and law itself is that not only will justice be done, but that it will be seen to be done.

The Liberal Democratic Party's art of ensuring that their wrongdoings and any suspicion thereof can never be seen handily eliminates the need for justice completely.

Meanwhile the Japanese public is force-fed trivia in the media until they are so inured to important information that they can no longer see the forest of falsehoods surrounding them for the redwood of deceit that Abe's party has planted to obstruct their line of sight.

Conversely they are ultimately bent on using the conspiracy law to target anyone who poses a threat to his stranglehold on the truth so the media just cowers and retreats into muzzled irrelevance, knowing that their already failing power to communicate any truth can be utterly quashed by state imposed censorship and coercion.



The opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are the writer's own and do not necessarily reflect the policies of The Japan Times.