Fans of the Far East's most creative siren, Faye Wong, should know her latest album, "It's My Style," is worth the three-year wait. Due to a poetic reference to opium, the opener (and best track), "To Love," was banned in China. That means most mainlanders will miss hearing Wong trill through Middle-Eastern strings and a techno-industrial beats that make the theme music she sang for the Final Fantasy video game sound as outdated as an Atari 2600. Wong's strongest work often involves cinematic orchestration (someone should've tapped her for a 007 theme years ago). "It's My Style," however, lacks theatrical artifice. Instead, it focuses on Wong's voice, arguably the most beautiful in Asia. After the initial bombast of "To Love," delicate, airy arrangements float in for some of the catchiest ethereal pop she's sung since her days hanging with the Cocteau Twins. A bonus VCD includes video footage and a karaoke feature -- something to consider once the Christmas carols wear thin.