Donald Trump often sounds like a crazy man, which makes it hard to appreciate those moments of lucidity and method in the madness when his remarks cut close to the truth. The latest sideshow in the ever-televised, ongoing circus of American politics has Trump on trial-by-media for upbraiding the CIA and exonerating the Russians.

But what if Trump is not wrong on this particular question? Big intelligence agencies have long institutional histories littered with lamentable mistakes, one need only look at the CIA failure to foresee the collapse of the Soviet Union, or more recently, its woefully inaccurate intelligence estimate and analysis on Iraq which was gleefully grabbed, molded and acted upon by George W. Bush and a belligerent team of rivals including Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, Donald Rumsfeld and John Bolton, each in their own way eager for war.

If the best minds in U.S. intelligence truly now believe that Russia "hacked" the U.S. election, why does this huge story only come out in little leaks here and there, almost always voiced by partisans of Hillary Clinton?