"Daddy, when I grow up I wanna be a kyabajō (キャバ嬢, nightclub hostess)!"

"A what?" I must be hearing things. Is this my brilliant 10-year-old daughter talking? Last week she wanted to be a genshibutsurigakusha (原子物理学者, nuclear physicist); the week before that, a Shakespearean joyū (女優, actress); two weeks ago, having scored kurasu ichii (クラス一位, top in her class) in a math test, a sūgakusha (数学者, mathematician).

"Look." The newspaper is open on the kitchen table in front of her. "Aren't these kamigata (髪型, hairstyles) kakkō ii (格好いい, cool)? They're called morigami (盛り髪)."