"The Possum Always Rings Twice: A Chet Gecko Mystery," Bruce Hale, Harcourt; 2006; 112pp.

If you haven't read Chet Gecko before, you have my sympathies. It is certainly a terrible deprivation to go without meeting Emerson Hicky Elementary School's best lizard detective. He cuts a dashing image in his trench coat and fedora, and by his own immodest claims, he's tackled cases "stickier than a spider's handshake." Need a better reason to read on?

This time, it looks like someone is rigging the student council election and threatening the candidates. Now our detective-hero thinks that's just not fair, even if one of the candidates, Popper, is a "hyperactive tree frog with all the charm and tact of a runaway chain saw" and the other, Viola Fuss (get the name?) is a super-paranoid sandpiper. And when Viola Fuss shows Chet Gecko a threat note she received, it's time for our intrepid reptile and his spiffy mockingbird-assistant, Natalie Attired, to get to work.