Ichitaro Nakanoshima likes nothing better than to spend the late morning watching videos of old musicals like "Singin' in the Rain."

Nakanoshima, though, is no slacker. Before settling down to watch Gene Kelly trip the light fantastic, he starts his day at 6 a.m. with a 7-km run. Then it may be his turn to make breakfast for the eight people he lives with, followed by a study period in which he reads historical novels by authors such as Ryotaro Shiba. After that, it's time to practice writing Japanese -- not the usual shodo (calligraphy) drill, rather holding the pen or brush in the hand he doesn't normally use.

Nakanoshima is obviously not a salaryman. Instead, he's a member of taiko drumming group Ondekoza. Living communally in the city of Fuji, Shizuoka Prefecture, the members of Ondekoza lead a life that combines physical and mental self-discipline -- but it's not so Spartan a regimen as to exclude simple pleasures like enjoying Hollywood musicals. Nakanoshima was quick to point out that most of Ondekoza's members prefer watching old Japanese and Chinese movies during their video-viewing times.