The horrific attacks in Mumbai have raised a number of serious questions for the Indian authorities. Why was there no forewarning? Were those responsible for gathering and interpreting intelligence negligent or did they lack adequate resources? Why was the counterterrorist response apparently so slow and the forces inadequately equipped? Why was it possible for the terrorists to land from ships without being detected either by the Indian Navy or the coast guard?

No doubt the inquiries instituted by the Indian government will provide some answers to these questions, but whatever further precautions the authorities may decide to take, there can be no guarantee that there will be no further terrorist attacks. Absolute security is unattainable especially when terrorists are not only willing to massacre innocent people, but are ready to die doing so.

Security precautions will have to be tightened and constant vigilance will be needed. If necessary, more resources will need to be deployed in the intelligence services. But miracles cannot be expected in a country the size of India with such a heterogeneous population.