Formed only a month ago, Nippon Mirai no To (Tomorrow Party of Japan) may soon be history. Founder Shiga Gov. Yukiko Kada and ally Ichiro Ozawa are at odds over the party's future, while Kada faces intense criticism within her prefecture for ignoring her duties to play national politics.

On Wednesday, veteran lawmaker Shizuka Kamei, who joined forces with Kada, informed her he was leaving the party after a disagreement over its management structure. At a news conference Wednesday evening, Kada apologized for the confusion and said she would speak to Ozawa, whose followers make up most of the party, which was decimated in the Dec. 16 general election. Kada said the party would be split up by next week.

"There has been a lot of confusion, and for that I apologize. Politics are about results, and my leadership was insufficient," said Kada, who is not in the Diet. "I want to split the party peacefully with Ozawa."