Office worker, 30
Those (PlayStation) Move and (Xbox) Kinect games look interesting. I haven't tried any yet but I'd like to. Today I tried the new "Monster Hunter" game on PlayStation Portable, which was excellent — gotta love killing those monsters!

Tomohiro Tsunakawa
Manufacturing industry worker, 34
I actually prefer playing motion- controlled games to those with a joypad. I like the Wii games that use the Balance Board and the Wii Remote. It's exhausting to play for a long time, but that's all part of the fun. It's good for your health, too.

Kana Hakoeshi
Gym receptionist, 23
I'd kind of like to try those games, but I haven't yet — not even the Wii. I only have a PlayStation 3, which I play once a week, especially "Tekken." I like playing games with a joypad really, so I'm not really desperate to play motion-controlled games.

Restaurant owner, 39
I think that advances in technology will lead to some interesting stuff. I wish someone would make controllers that you attach to your various body parts — if someone made a groin attachment, you'd be able to have sex with a video game character!

Stephanie Lositophe
Footwear designer, 23
Those games are more interactive. I think they're the most fun actually, because they put you inside the game and you can share with people. Even when I play with a joypad, I tend to move the pad in the direction I want to go, so it's not a big change for me.

Shannon Harris
Military mechanic, 20
I like the Move. Motion-control is a new frontier, and someday everyone's going to have some sort of motion-activated sensor hooked up to their system. I don't think it will replace joypads, but it's a good money-maker right now, and everyone's getting fit.