Yonezawa koi, a specialty dish of the city of Yo­ne­za­wa, Ya­ma­ga­ta Prefecture, is on the verge of vanishing due to recent rises in fish feed prices and a business slump.

To avoid losing the traditional cuisine, To­shi­no­ri Iwa­ku­ra, the 44-year-old owner of the last koi-raising and processing firm in the city, is trying to revive the food culture with the support of a chef from a popular local Italian restaurant.

The culture of eating koi, or carp, in the city started about 200 years ago, when Ue­su­gi Yo­zan, the feudal lord of the Yo­ne­za­wa domain, brought in koi fry from the neighboring So­ma district in what is now Fu­ku­shi­ma Prefecture as a precious source of protein.