"Sharing" used to be a dirty word in the music industry, but OK Go have been instrumental in changing that.

As a band that allows itself to be as accessible as possible to fans, Damian Kulash (lead vocals), Tim Northwind (bass guitar, vocals), Dan Konopka (drums, percussion) and Andy Ross (guitar, keyboards) happily share much of their activities via the Internet. This includes behind-the-scenes videos on YouTube, the live-streaming of concerts, regular tweeting and some prolific Instagramming from the members themselves.

They also seem to have mastered the art of creating content that you just have to share, starting with their garden ballroom-dance performance for "A Million Ways" in 2006, which practically defined the genre of a viral music video. More like visual art projects than music promotion, OK Go videos often involve absurd spectacles or audacious stunts, be it the the creative use of treadmills  for "Here it Goes Again," a warehouse-sized Rube Goldberg machine for "This Too Shall Pass" and, more recently, complex optical illusions in "The Writing's on the Wall," which this year won the Best Visual Effects MTV Video Music Award.