Tag - sonos



Japan Times
Jun 12, 2020
Google sues Sonos as patent fight over wireless speakers heats up
Technology giants such as Google and Amazon.com have been expanding into selling internet-connected home gadgets.
May 26, 2011
Turkey serves as a role model for Arab world
As the Arab Spring enters its fourth month, it faces challenges but also presents opportunities. Despite setbacks in Libya, Yemen and Syria, the democratic wave has already begun to change the Middle East's political landscape.
Reader Mail
Jun 1, 2008
The Asian-American perspective
I enjoy many of the The Japan Times' articles online, but I do have one beef to share. I would appreciate it if you could interview more Asian Americans to get their viewpoints. You will find their views are very different from Japanese nationals and white-skinned foreigners.
Reader Mail
May 4, 2008
Improve content, including letters
I have been a loyal reader of The Japan Times for the 12 years I have been here. This is my first time to write, but I am driven to address two key points. First, I agree with recent letters that the latest changes of format in this paper were ill-advised and poorly thought out. It seems to be following the general dumbing down of media so prevalent around the world today.
Reader Mail
Apr 20, 2008
Pets deserve better food
Regarding the April 4 article "Be wary: It's a dog-eat-dog food world out there:" This article on pet food indicated that in previous years pets such as dogs and cats were fed on scrap food. As a result of being fed on remnant food, pets live relatively short lives. But scientists have since developed pet food with more nutritional content, and pets' life spans have improved.
Reader Mail
Apr 3, 2008
Domesticate effort to save dolphins
Regarding the March 30 article "Secret film will show slaughter to the world": I applaud the recent heroic actions of the Oceanic Preservation Society, among other groups, in their efforts to prevent the pointless slaughter of dolphins and whales -- by certain parties -- in Japan. However, the thing I don't understand is why such groups appear to be composed exclusively of foreigners (with the exception of several Japanese scientists consulted on the mercury levels). This is troubling.


When trying to trace your lineage in Japan, the "koseki" is the most important form of document you'll encounter.
Climbing the branches of a Japanese family tree