Regarding the story "Fukushima evacuees face cuts to support," Jan. 20, we all knew this would happen, didn't we? It's typical of the LDP and the nuclear village idiots to ignore the plight of those who were left homeless by the Fukushima nuclear plant fiasco. Stupid Tepco, criminal in its failure to protect the local community from a disaster that all the CEOs at the disgraced nuclear energy company said would "never happen."

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe couldn't care less about the fate of these hapless evacuees. He's thinking, "out of sight, out of mind." He wants the Japanese public to totally forget about the Fukushima disaster, which most are more than willing to do. Abe wants to expand nuclear energy in Japan and these evacuees are just a PR problem, nothing more; they're a reminder of a terrible failure in the nuclear energy industry. Better to push them into obscurity to be forgotten and move on. Problem solved.

By 2030 the LDP will be using the same heartless tactic to deal with Japan's overwhelming geriatric population — the government will be far too busy with international trade, weapons development, a new casino industry and another "ghost" bullet-train line with no passengers.

Robert Mckinney


The opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are the writer's own and do not necessarily reflect the policies of The Japan Times.