With the end of Fidel Castro's nasty life Friday night, we can hope, if not reasonably expect, to have seen the last of charismatic totalitarians worshiped by political pilgrims from open societies. Experience suggests there will always be tyranny tourists in flight from what they consider the boring banality of bourgeois society and eager for the excitement of sojourns in "progressive" despotisms that they are free to admire and then leave.

During the 1930s, there were many apologists for Josef Stalin's brutalities, which he committed in the name of building a workers' paradise fit for an improved humanity. The apologists complacently said, "You can't make an omelet without breaking eggs." To which George Orwell acidly replied: "Where's the omelet?" With Castro, the problem was lemonade.

Soon after Castro seized power in 1959, Jean-Paul Sartre, the French intellectual whose Stalinist politics were as grotesque as his philosophy was opaque, left Les Deux Magots cafe in Paris to visit Cuba. During a drive, he and Castro stopped at a roadside stand. They were served warm lemonade, which Castro heatedly said "reveals a lack of revolutionary consciousness." The waitress shrugged, saying the refrigerator was broken. Castro "growled" (Sartre's approving description): "Tell your people in charge that if they don't take care of their problems, they will have problems with me." Sartre swooned: