Regarding the indictments being handed down to former Tokyo Electric Power Co. executives for the Fukushima disaster.

Those executives are probably innocent and have been chosen to "take the fall," instead of the real criminals.

The real criminal is the design supervisor for the Fukushima plants. The one or ones who decided to put the emergency backup diesel generators on the ocean side of the buildings, and even worse, down in the basements. Talk about insane!

That caused the diesel generators to be flooded, and they could not then provide emergency power to circulate the cooling water.

The diesel generators should have been installed on the inland side, up the hill.

The connecting cabling could have been laid in a large sand-filled trench, and slightly coiled to eliminate snapping due to earthquake-shifting.

This prosecution of the Tepco executives is an outrage.

Eleanor White


The opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are the writer's own and do not necessarily reflect the policies of The Japan Times.