It was rather shocking to read some of the racist remarks with which North Korea's state run media assailed U.S. President Barack Obama recently. One wonders what sort of crude remarks the Washington establishment has made about Kim Jong Un since he assumed power. Who knew that foreign relations could be reduced to such vulgar name-calling?

Perhaps the game of politics really isn't that much different from the bullying that occurs on a junior high school playground. Nearly every budding adolescent loves to experiment with newly discovered expletives and obscene phrases. Looks like he's merely imitating the adults around him!

How utterly foolish former National Basketball Association star Dennis Rodman must be feeling these days! It's now obvious that Kim isn't all that fond of his African American "friends." So much for American-style basketball diplomacy in "racially pure" North Korea.

robert mckinney
otaru, hokkaido

The opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are the writer's own and do not necessarily reflect the policies of The Japan Times.