"The Japanese airplanes attacked, and a total of 1,200 men, roughly half the victims of Pearl Harbor, died in action on the USS Arizona. ... In general, the powder magazine at the ship's bottom is not induced to explode in a bombing and it would not have caught fire and blown up six minutes after the bomb attack.

"At the time of the Spanish-American War the U.S. blew up and sunk its own USS Maine, blaming it on Spain. It then used the slogan 'Remember the Maine' to inspire the citizens to fight against Spain ... and snatched away Guam and the Philippines. ... It is thought that the U.S. did the same thing during World War II, when it used the slogan 'Remember Pearl Harbor.'"

The above is excerpted from pages 12-13 of "Theoretical Modern History: The Real History of Japan," a collection of essays by self-described patriotic essayist Seiji Fuji that appeared from 2014 to 2015 in a periodical called Apple Town.