Now here's a heartwarming tale for all readers. It involves a partner who provides free transport, free food and, as a nice bonus, unlimited sex. Our story is about an insect, but it starts thousands of years ago.

According to Greek mythology, there was once a beautiful woman, the daughter of Titans, and her name was Metis. Zeus, the most powerful of all the gods, took Metis as his wife, and before long she was pregnant with the goddess Athena.

Metis was the wisest of all the gods and mortals. In Greek mythology she is the personification of deep thought and counsel. Moreover, it was prophecized that Metis would bear a child more powerful than Zeus himself. Obviously Zeus, top god though he was, felt terribly insecure about all this -- and so he swallowed Metis whole. His idea was that their child would then be born through him and so thwart the prophecy.