'Gaming Jesus" is ready to give the 8-4 tour. "It won't take long," he promises. The office that houses his game localization company is quite cozy.

A small sign bearing the 8-4 logo greets visitors just inside the door, and to the immediate left are various gaming-related things, including game cases from past projects. Mark MacDonald ("come: follow Gaming Jesus," the 41-year-old's Twitter bio beckons) is executive director at 8-4. He raises an arm and gestures to his left, where desks and computers occupy the brief expanse before the wall on the other end of the room: "That's the tour," MacDonald declares, drawing smiles from a few coworkers.

The company does a lot of big things from this small office, situated on the second floor of a gray building in Tokyo's Shibuya Ward. It mainly localizes video games, repackaging them from Japanese into English.