Aquarium uranai (book; Magazine House) uses your birth date and blood type to determine your token "sea creature" from a list of 16, including sea bream, blowfish and jellyfish. Your personality type and behavioral patterns are defined, as is your compatibility with other sea creatures.

Yamanote-sen uranai (book and Web site,; Kodansha) factors in your year and date of birth to identify you with one of the 28 JR Yamanote Line stations (excluding Tokyo) and describe your personality, particular abilities and prospects for money and love. The book also explains what romantically attracts people categorized by each station.

Vegetable uranai ( ) assigns you a vegetable (tomato, celery, mushroom, etc.) depending on your answers to eight questions. This is then used to describe your personality type and determine which other "vegetable" people you might get along with.

Monster uranai (book; Jitsugyo no Nihon Sha) uses your year and date of birth to identify you with one of 11 monsters characters, including a werewolf, Medusa, Dracula or Frankenstein.