Times will change and tides will always turn, but there's one thing you can count on: movies starring Tom Hanks.

No matter what else is happening in the world, Tom Hanks is routinely waiting at the multiplex in yet another mega-budget, blockbuster vehicle that will probably, if not certainly, be up for an Oscar in one form or another. He's a solid rock of dependability in an uncertain world and a human compass inevitably pointing to whatever is the correct thing to do in any given situation — whether it's buying Apple shares in "Forrest Gump" or saving 155 airline passengers in "Sully."

And here's Hanks in "Inferno," the third in a franchise that kicked off with "The Da Vinci Code" in 2006. Directed by Ron Howard, "Inferno" is probably the most ambitious of the series — bringing together the World Health Organization, bioterrorism and Dante in an unlikely menage a trois. The bad guy is young IT billionaire Bertand Zobrist (Ben Foster), whose grand plan is to slash the global population by half with a virus similar to the Black Plague, which nearly wiped out all of Europe in the 14th century.