When asked what "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey" offers that "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy didn't, actor Sir Ian McKellan pauses before answering.

"It offers enough that is new to please the fans and draw younger audiences ... and enough that is similar to please the fans and impress many a cynic." He then adds a qualifier to this statement, "In years to come, 'The Hobbit' may be remembered less as a companion series to 'The Lord of the Rings' and more as a technological pioneer."

The pioneering technology McKellen is referring to in "The Hobbit" is it having been filmed at 48 frames per second — twice the standard rate of 24 frames per second, which has been used for nearly 90 years. Warner Bros. will be the first studio to release a major Hollywood film at 48 frames per second when "The Hobbit" premieres in North America on Dec. 14 [the Japan releases will not feature this technology].