Melissa Van Wyk

Ph.D. student, 28 (American)

Not either. Humans are humans. Technology only augments characteristics of humans. In research, it makes it easy to just find facts, not knowledge. History shows technology impacts culture, but culture impacts the development of technology.

Tomohide Muraoka

Engineer, 43 (Japanese)

I'm working for an engineering company, so I think technology makes the world better. Technology improves the environment and human rights. In future, we need to live better, live with less energy, improve efficiency, and technology will contribute.

Saya Sato

Student, 18 (Japanese)

Better with technology. I use an iPhone for email and talking, a computer for Facebook and writing reports, and an iPod for listening to music. If these were taken away, my friends and I would communicate much less, and this would make me sad.

Karen Chan

Unemployed, 32 (American)

It’s better in terms of information being easily accessible these days. But, this new generation is consumed by technology, always on their phones. They’re overlooking the more important things in life, like conversations with people in front of you.

Edwardo Suzuki

Factory worker, 32 (Brazilian)

For me it's better, because it makes life more easy. So, like now, I'm using my iPhone to record and send videos and photos, and call friends back home. I believe people have the power to choose between good or evil— er, just a moment, I'm receiving a call from Brazil . . .

Alona Barnea

Ph.D. student (Israeli)

Better. Advances and scientific findings make our lives better because we can keep finding solutions for diseases and improve communication in the world. The use of technology depends on people, what they do with new tools.

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