The Japanese summer is officially over. But the heat lingers.

Japan is a hot and humid country, which comes as a surprise to newcomers who can't really imagine humidity at 70 or 80 percent with no rain. Many foreigners come to terms with their own sweat for the first time when they come to Japan. It's no longer something that just happens at the gym.

It is said that when you sweat, your body is trying to cool itself down. But when my body starts oozing that salty liquid, I can only think one thing: It is trying to create sea water. If we could allow ourselves to sweat just a little more, we'd have our own little private seas around us, and we'd be able to swim anytime and stay cool. With more research, I bet we could even cultivate seaweed on our bodies. Maybe even grow fish. "Hey, Mr. Grouper, spawn me!"