High up in the category of news that's too familiar to be newsworthy is the latest poll that finds Asians to be the most-educated and highest-earning population in the United States.

Right. The good people at the Pew Research Center pretty much wasted their time and much of America's newsprint on this one. They could have spared themselves the cost of their otherwise meritorious and laborious statistical methodology and simply have called around to ask a few professors here in the U.S. what's going on. Unless the faculty member were at some cow college in range of some fly-bitten southern swampland, the probability of their best prepared and best- performing students being Asian or Asian-American would be quite high.

This almost nationwide trend has been steady for years and hardly any secret. From 1994-2008, I was privileged to teach undergraduates at the University of California, Los Angeles. Not all of my best students were Asian but a lot of them were and there were very many of them. It is not for nothing that years ago UCLA became unofficially famed as the "University of Caucasians Lost Among Asians."