Tag - president-park-geun-hye



Japan Times
Jun 29, 2017
North Korea vows to kill former South leader Park 'any time, at any place'
North Korea has issued standing orders for the execution of former South Korean President Park Geun-hye and her spy chief in response to what Pyongyang said was an aborted plot to assassinate its leader, Kim Jong Un.
Oct 12, 2014
Freedom of the press in South Korea
Criminal action taken by Seoul prosecutors against a Japanese journalist for questioning the whereabouts of President Park Geun-hye on the day in August when a South Korean passenger ferry sank raises serious questions about South Korea's commitment to freedom of the press.
Apr 29, 2014
Ferry crisis transports South Korea back to 1997
If South Korean President Park Geun-hye acts boldly and transparently to investigate the many failures that led to the Sewol ferry tragedy, her administration can still recover, and the nation's loss of face globally will be fleeting.
Nov 23, 2013
Rookie trio make for a leadership deficit in East Asia
With three new leaders taking power over the past year — in Tokyo, Seoul and Beijing (and a fourth in Pyongyang two years ago) — 2013 was never likely to be a banner year for regional diplomacy. But I didn't expect it to get quite this bad.
Sep 28, 2013
Japan and Korea: Reconciliation and redress for wrongs remain elusive
On the eve of the International Olympic Committee's decision to award the 2020 Summer Games to Tokyo, Seoul's abrupt import ban on all fisheries products from Fukushima and seven other Japanese prefectures was clearly a response to public concerns about radiation spewing into the ocean.


When trying to trace your lineage in Japan, the "koseki" is the most important form of document you'll encounter.
Climbing the branches of a Japanese family tree