Tag - princess-noriko



Japan Times
Oct 5, 2014
Princess Noriko marries son of Izumo Taisha priest, relinquishes royal status
Princess Noriko becomes the latest woman to leave the Imperial family after marrying the eldest son of the head priest of Izumo Taisha shrine.
Jul 4, 2014
Traditional ceremony held for Princess Noriko's engagement
Princess Noriko, a daughter of Emperor Akihito's late cousin Prince Takamado, became engaged Friday at a traditional ceremony to a senior priest of Izumo-taisha, one of Japan's most important shrines.
Japan Times
Jun 7, 2014
Media minds manners in royal reportage
As much as we all love them, the Imperial family doesn't make for exciting reading. Last week, the European press was beside itself with news of the abdication of Spain's King Juan Carlos, who has been hit by several public support-sapping scandals in recent years. The only thing comparable here was that controversy about the propriety of taking photos of the Imperial couple in public places with a cell phone. A high school student got a flattering shot of the Emperor and Empress smiling, waving and looking straight into the camera at a train station in Tochigi Prefecture and then uploaded it on to Twitter. The public reaction was mostly positive, but the media were critical, saying it wasn't right to share photos on social media of the Emperor, though one could sense in the language the tang of sour grapes. The press is restricted by protocol and this teenager got the best pic of the Imperial couple ever by flouting the rules.
Jun 6, 2014
Princess Noriko sets wedding date
Princess Noriko, second daughter of the late Prince Takamado and Princess Hisako, will be married in a Shinto wedding ceremony on Oct. 5 with Kunimaro Senge, eldest son of the chief priest of the Izumo Taisha Shrine in Shimane Prefecture, sources said Thursday.
May 28, 2014
Wedding to commoner highlights royal dilemma
The announcement Tuesday that Princess Noriko is engaged to marry a commoner was greeted warmly around the nation, but it has also fueled concern that the Imperial family is losing another member and will have fewer royals to carry out public duties.
Japan Times
May 27, 2014
Princess Noriko to wed son of Izumo-Taisha chief priest
Princess Noriko, second daughter of Princess Hisako and the late Prince Takamado, has become engaged to the eldest son of the chief priest of Izumo-Taisha, the grand shrine in Izumo, Shimane Prefecture, the Imperial Household Agency said on Tuesday.


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