Nuclear regulators slammed two plant operators Tuesday for failing to supply detailed data and analyses ahead of a safety review that could allow them to resume operations.

The Nuclear Regulation Authority, which held its first assessment meetings for reactors at the Tokai No. 2 plant in Ibaraki Prefecture and the Higashidori plant in Aomori Prefecture, urged the operators to provide more data so it can proceed with the review.

"It just won't do" that plant operators apply for the assessment with "quick-fix" documents to feel out whether their measures will pass the review, NRA Commissioner Toyoshi Fuketa told utility officials.

The nuclear watchdog is not planning to begin a full-fledged assessment of the Higashidori plant until an investigation of seismological fault lines under the complex has been completed.

Regulatory officials also raised questions about fire protection measures Japan Atomic Power Co. plans to implement at the Tokai plant.

The operator said it will apply fire-retardant coatings on electric cables at the complex, instead of replacing them with flame-resistant cables as required. But NRA officials questioned the feasibility of the plan, pointing out that cables at the plant are not flame-proof.