Tag - jason-statham



Japan Times
Jan 28, 2015
Wild Card: 'Jason Statham doing the same thing he always does'
Moviemakers love Jason Statham. How else to describe the fact that he's consistently played the same type of guy in the same type of situations for two decades, without ever being required to change a thing. Other action stars branch out into romantic comedies, relationship sagas, period dramas; Statham remains the same skin-headed thug with abs like a washboard and defiant sexual charisma oozing from every pore. He doesn't know how to treat women or bother to find out; in fact, he's never been kind to humanity in general. Yet he thrives as the undisputed king of action hooligans.
Japan Times
Aug 6, 2014
Sylvester Stallone must really like Jason Statham, his co-star from "The Expendables" series, because in "Homefront" Sly has given him the lead in a script he had originally written for himself. Or maybe he is just feeling his age these days and slowing down. Not likely, but this film is classic 1980s action in the Stallone mode.
Japan Times
Jul 12, 2013
The Cockney hardman who is Britain's most bankable star in Hollywood
Clipped vowels, a suggestion of impeccable breeding: when it comes to Hollywood's appetite for British and Irish actors it is easy to see why producers keep shopping on these islands. It does not matter whether the stars really went to Eton, the public school sheen on Hugh Grant, Colin Firth, Orlando Bloom, Toby Stephens, Tom Hiddleston and Eddie Redmayne is dazzling. It makes them ideal for dashing romantic leads in costume dramas and, with age, for nasty villains.


Rows of irises resemble a rice field at the Peter Walker-designed Toyota Municipal Museum of Art.
The 'outsiders' creating some of Japan's greenest spaces