Rodney Francis is insufficiently ambitious. The pastor of the Washington Tabernacle Baptist Church in St. Louis has entered the fray over guns, violence and humanity's fallen nature with a plan for a "buyback" of children's toy guns. And toy swords and other make-believe weapons. There is, however, a loophole in the pastor's panacea. He neglects the problem of ominously nibbled and menacingly brandished breakfast pastries.

Joshua Welch — a boy, wouldn't you know; no good can come of these turbulent creatures — who is 7, was suspended from second grade in Maryland's Anne Arundel County recently because of his "Pop-Tart pistol." While eating a rectangular fruit-filled sugary something — nutritionist Michelle Obama probably disapproves of it, and don't let Michael Bloomberg get started — Joshua tried biting it into the shape of a mountain, but decided it looked more like a gun. So with gender-specific perversity he did the natural thing. He said, "Bang, bang."

But is this really natural? Or is nature taking a back seat to nurture, yet again? Is Joshua's "bang, bang" a manifestation of some prompting in our defective social atmosphere, and therefore something society could and should stamp out?