The kitchen has long been used as a portal to distant places and times, and Just Hungry and Just Bento are two blogs by Makiko Itoh that put all the wonders of Japanese cuisine within a cutting-board's reach. For Makiko, cooking has been a way to re-create comfort foods from Japan while living abroad in the U.S. and Switzerland. Just Hungry features traditional and contemporary versions of staple dishes such as sukiyaki and omuraisu (rice omelet) and are highlighted in one of several of the blog's expansive lists called 100 Japanese foods to try. For those eating on the run, Just Bento is dedicated to the ubiquitous Japanese lunch in a box and provides a wide range of recipes, instructions and detailed nutritional guidelines. Whether expanding one's culinary horizon or longing for a taste of home, Just Hungry and Just Bento are quick tickets to kitchens of the not-so-far East.

On your site you talk about living in several countries. Could you describe your background and where you consider your home today?

My father was a typical kaigai chuuzaiin (overseas salaryman), sent overseas by his company to develop business. So when I was growing up, we lived in several places in England, the U.S. and Japan. The family moved back to the U.S. from Japan when I was 17. I later moved to Switzerland as an adult. Presently my home is still in Switzerland, but right now we are considering a move to France!