Seiya Kusano

Craft beer bar owner, 47 (Japanese)

I pretty much agree with his proposal. The current government has been very inactive for a long time about matters of policy, and it's about time someone took action.

Peter Cassidy

Teacher, 45 (Canadian)

As we've seen with consumption tax, most people are opposed to any tax hike regardless of proposed long-term benefits. In a recession, people don't want their taxes to go toward anything that doesn't seem close to home, like this scheme.

Ding Fei

University student, 21 (Chinese)

As a citizen of the People's Republic of China, I think that we have a right to claim ownership of the islands, too. But speaking as a citizen of the world, I hope we can all live peacefully as a global village.

Mai Ono

Student, 21 (Japanese)

There has always been an issue with Japan, China and Taiwan over ownership. No one is taking action to do anything, so I'm glad he's at least doing something. He's making people think.

Daiki Tajima

Student, 19 (Japanese)

He will be using taxpayers' money to buy the islands if he ends up going through with it. There might be a more useful way to use the money, like helping the Tohoku region.

James D. Short

Associate professor, 38 (British)

Notwithstanding the support of Ishihara's proposal from the Okinawa governor and mayor of Ishigaki, it's my opinion that China would never allow this to happen. They would put pressure on Japan to prevent Ishihara from doing it.

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