Regarding Dipak Basu's April 7 letter, "Shameful coverage of rape case": I would like to ask Basu if he is denying there is a misogyny problem in India? I would also like to ask him if he thinks it is intellectually honest to claim that First World countries like the United States and Britain are worse for women to live in?

I think the answers to those questions are clear.

Pointing out the rape statistics of other countries is not a good defense of the poor status of women in India. It is, rather, a subterfuge that allows Basu to take the focus off his own backyard and place it elsewhere.

While Basu is right to point out that the spirit of India is defined by those good people protesting and not by the criminals, he is wrong to claim that pointing out India's misogyny problem is equal to promoting racial superiority.

No one is ignoring the reasons for the protests. In fact, the spotlight is currently on India precisely because of the reasons for the protests — that the Indian people are finally standing up against the culture of misogyny that makes India such a poor place for women to live. The world is watching these protests with admiration for the good people of India, and with hope that they will effect change.

As someone who regularly travels to India and who loves the country, I can tell you that I am standing with the Indian people and have confidence that the good will prevail.

Basu should be ashamed. His attempt to downplay the plight of women in his home country, rather than acknowledging it and vowing to join in the fight against it, is the very epitome of the attitude that is being protested and is proof positive that some Indian men are in sincere need of an attitude adjustment.

heidi wiltamuth

The opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are the writer's own and do not necessarily reflect the policies of The Japan Times.