Regarding the May 3 article "Viewers target NHK chief Momii": This charade has been going on too long for the good of the nation. If NHK Chairman Katsuto Momii is reluctant to resign to resolve the problem that he created in the first place, and continues to cling to his benefactor — currently the most powerful man in Japan — to tide himself over at the expense of viewers, there are probably only two other alternatives:

Change the name of NHK — whose prestige and credibility have plunged to an unenviable level — to MHK (Momii Hoso Kyokai) and then privatize Japan's national broadcaster.

Or have the Abe administration enact laws to transform NHK from a semi-governmental organization into the Ministry of Truth a la "1984" so that Momii is justified in disseminating news and information in newspeak or Momiispeak — compatible with his ideas and those of his benefactor!

u thet tun

The opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are the writer's own and do not necessarily reflect the policies of The Japan Times.