Mainstream news outlets in the United States, whose politics are closely aligned with those of the U.S. government, frequently criticize mainstream media outlets in Russia, whose politics are closely aligned to those of the Russian government. Current example: recent events in Ukraine.

"Russian officials have been doing everything they can to make it clear that they don't recognize the legitimacy of this current parliament or its right to form an interim government," NPR's Corey Flintoff reported Feb. 26. "The impression that ordinary Russians would get from [their] news coverage is really that the Ukrainian Revolution is very much a thing to be feared."

Flintoff made fun of Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, who called the overthrow of Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych "essentially the result of an armed mutiny." Russian Interior Minister Sergey Lavrov said it was "an attempt at a coup d'état and to seize power by force."