Thank you for publishing Gwynne Dyer's solidly written March 15 article, "Planets like Earth appear to be out there." It provides timely, insightful, scientifically based, thought- provoking information that is a pleasure to read while one considers the wider implications.

Given the tremendous scope and influence that mainstream media wield within society, in this particular age — as the industrial age transitions to the information age — I am of the opinion that humans desperately need more educational, optimistic and rational news.

Our news sources need to step up and take more ethically challenging roles at the forefront of our society. They should force critical thinking and encourage cooperation, the development of solutions that improve our collective lot, and better communication. Mass media should NOT focus its well-tuned eye on low-lying fruit such as the sordid scandals and dirty laundry of celebrities and politicians unless it is critical that people know.

name withheld