Regarding the March 3 Zeit Gist article, "Rape victim fights for justice against U.S. military, Japan": "Jane" is very brave and has set a good example for Japanese women who were victims but were afraid to tell anyone. But due to the intrinsic cultural attitude in Japan that "men are big, women are small," Japanese women may simply think that Jane is making too much of a fuss. It's not that they don't want justice; they just prefer doing it in a subtler way. This is common among Asian women.

To solve the problem I suppose that proper ways for sailors to release their sexual frustrations should be introduced. If they have so much free time to wander around and commit crimes, maybe their tours of duty could be shortened so that they can go home more frequently to meet their partners. In the end, though, it's always one's choice to ruin another person's life.

sharon takao