Regarding Darryl McGarry's Nov. 23 letter, "Anachronistic arms 'freedom'": I certainly respect McGarry's right to his opinion, especially since I strongly believe in freedom of speech. In the United States, this particular right is guaranteed by the First Amendment to the Constitution. I also believe that it is precisely the Second Amendment, the right to bear arms, that helps to secure the First Amendment.

The main point of my earlier argument seems to have been missed by McGarry. It is that citizens of any country should never trust their government so completely as to deprive themselves of the means to overthrow that government should events require it. A government may be stable and democratic at one time, but what guarantees that it will remain so? The best guarantee is an armed citizenry and the government's fear of the power of the people, not the other way around.

Is McGarry aware of the increase in crime in his own country, Australia, since the introduction of more gun-control laws. Could it be that criminals are less afraid of disarmed victims?

joseph marriott