His Liberal Democratic Party's massive defeat in Sunday's Upper House election notwithstanding, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has declared that he will not step down. His far-from-convincing explanations for staying on, even when cursorily examined, sound like a quibble. By clinging to power, Mr. Abe will further deepen people's distrust in him, as expressed in the election, and cause additional harm to the LDP.

After the election, Mr. Abe said: "While making an electioneering tour of Japan, I recognized that the election results would be very severe. But I didn't think I should run away from my duty, and a political vacuum should not be allowed to happen. So I have decided (to stay in power)."

During the campaign, Mr. Abe emphasized that the key issue in the election should be the choice between him and opposition Democratic Party of Japan leader Ichiro Ozawa. It is usually said that an Upper House election is not about choosing a government. But Mr. Abe himself, at least rhetorically, turned the Upper House election into a contest to decide the nation's next leader. The public will instantly notice a gap in his logic.