I would like to express my appreciation for the publication of B. Gautam's May 26 article, "Dalai Lama's shattered dream for Tibet." I am happy about the way in which the author has spoken about the Tibetan issue and the Dalai Lama, and about the underlying tone of support in his piece.

However, there is something I want to point out. Forgive me for putting it like this, but I have a little problem with the following paragraph from the article: "Today, at Dharamshala (India), one can hear open criticism of the Dalai Lama. He is accused of selling out to the Chinese. Campaigning against the Dalai Lama, and for total freedom, is Tenzin Tsundue, a young Tibetan who has become the most important figure among the exiles in Dharamshala. He and his band of followers have abandoned the Dalai Lama's peaceful approach and draw their strength from militants like Palestinians."

Tibetans might criticize His Holiness The Dalai Lama's approach toward Sino-Tibet relations, but they don't criticize him. Tenzin Tsundue and other young activists are not campaigning against the Dalai Lama, nor have they abandoned him. There is no question of that.

pema c.g.