Kiroku Hanai makes great leaps of logic in his Jan. 23 article, "U.S. presence vs. the public will." First he implies that U.S. submarines are operated in a "reckless" manner, then jumps to the conclusion that aircraft carriers are being operated recklessly, too. But let's get to the point.

I would love to see the United States leave Japan and trash the one-sided security treaty that obligates American mothers and fathers to send their sons and daughters to fight and die for Japan but does not obligate Japan to do anything similar in defense of Americans -- even those fighting for Japan. I suggest that all Japanese citizens write letters to American newspapers and members of Congress and let them know that the Japanese public wants the U.S. out. Make sure Americans are aware of the one-sided treaty with Japan.

Once Americans realize what kind of paper allies they have in Japan, I suspect Hanai will get his wish. Of course, Japan then will have to supply its own military as well as assume international responsibility for its actions and its politicians' remarks. Otherwise, it seems that people like Hanai just complain, without wishing to give up all the benefits that Japan enjoys.

david huffman